The Bold Way
Website in a Week
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has Genius Power & Magic in it.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe —
In a week?
It sounds crazy, but it really isn’t. The current website design/redesign process followed by most agencies is BROKEN.
Not sure what I mean? Read on.
Traditional web design is broken…
Most business owners intuitively understand this.
What’s broken? Let me count the ways…
- Building a website then leaving it alone for 3-4 years (with only minor content updates),
- Reusing the same copy again,
- Unfocused messaging and design with conflicting calls-to-action
Frustrated knowing you’ve done some of these things? I get it… I’ve made some of these same mistakes too!

You could probably go on too! How many times have you redesigned a website reasoning that it would be the panacea to solve all your problems? (or at least your marketing problems)
But it didn’t work, did it?
You’re probably thinking RIGHT NOW “wow, this guy is still talking… get to the point…”
Patience, young grasshopper.
Or not… just click to schedule a call and stop reading copy!
The Bold Way: Website in a Week
Are you ready for some Genius Power & Magic in your life and business? If so, take action by scheduling a call to review your site and see how we might help you. Be Bold!
Pre-Project Phase
Schedule a call with our team to discuss what you’re looking for, and we’ll answer your questions about how we operate, and we can assess if we’re a good fit for each other.
We’ll take a look at your existing website using our proprietary SiteCheck™ process, ask you questions about your business, your marketing, and your goals. This helps us assess what direction to move as we dig deeper.
After the initial SiteCheck assessment, we’ll dive deeper into your business, your goals, your customers, your data, and develop a strategic approach for your new website. At this point we schedule your Website in a Week project.
You will have a to-do list generated through the first few steps of the pre-project phase, and the items on this list must be completed before we can begin your Website in a Week project. Don’t worry! It’s not scary, and we’ll walk you through each step of the way.
Project Phase: Website in a Week
After we have our strategic approach, we’ll create copy, develop graphics and other media assets, and wireframe designs for your website. We’ll also map out what your launch looks like.
Once we’ve created all of the components of your site, and agreed on the wireframe design, we’ll build it. We test everything to make sure it is ready for prime time too.
When everything is thoroughly tested and your business is ready for the move, we launch. We’ll give it a final tune-up, make sure it runs smooth and fast, and then we’ll hand you the keys.
Post-Project Phase
Once your site is up and going. We’ll help you create systems to test and improve your site on an ongoing basis to make sure it continues to make a difference in your business. Websites should be assets, not expenses.
First: we only do websites. We will do copywriting, on-site SEO, graphic design, etc. for your website, but we won’t do anything else. We will support your website long-term with our highly-rated support team, hosting platform, and other resources, but we won’t run your marketing campaigns, makeover your logo, etc. It’s just not what we do.
We have a strong background in design, marketing, branding, and strategy. However, we don’t offer all marketing services, because we find we do better work for our clients when we focus just on what we do best, and that alone.
Having said that, because of our experience in so many other areas of marketing, we have the perspective needed to assess the bigger picture and help our clients frame the HUB of their marketing: their website, in the best way possible to help them reach their goals.
Portfolio of Work
I know. You’re looking for a portfolio if you’re looking at this section.
We don’t publish our portfolio because we don’t want to be hired “based on our portfolio.” Good design is not about looking pretty, so if you hire us because our portfolio looks pretty, then you’re not a good fit for us. We decided we’d rather prove our worth with data rather than looks alone.
That being said, we are working on some case studies to publish which will also include the visuals. We don’t want to publish visuals with the case studies.
In the meantime, you’re welcome to schedule a call with us and we will happily supply examples of our work so you have full context for the work.